Glyphosate Injury on Brambles
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Glyphosate (e.g. Roundup) injury symptoms may be visible the same season following a spring application or the next spring following a late summer application. Developing leaves become curled along their margins and may have a reddish tint. Foliage may also appear chlorotic (yellowed) and distorted. Brambles are much more susceptible to injury when drift or herbicide contact occurs after mid-July because glyphosate moves down to the roots in autumn and is translocated up to new growth in spring. Glyphosate slows or inhibits winter hardiness development, making plants more susceptible to winter injury. Thus, a late summer application of glyphosate may result in failure of plants to regrow in spring.
Glyphosate injury following an early season application.
(Photo: John Strang, University of Kentucky)
Failure of blackberry canes to regrow following a late-season glyphosate application.
(Photo: John Strang, University of Kentucky)
- Avoid contact with bramble leaves or canes.
- Minimize drift (shield sprayers or low pressure spray and applying only on calm days).
- If a cane is inadvertently sprayed, prune the cane to prevent herbicide from being translocated to other portions of the plant.