Oriental Fruit Moth on Apple
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Oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) is a 1/4 inch, charcoal-colored moth with fine alternating bands of light and dark lines giving it a mottled appearance. Oriental fruit moth (OFM) eggs are flat and oval, initially opaque and white in color but turning brownish-red as they mature. Larvae are pinkish-white with brown heads and 1/2 inch long when full-grown. OFM larvae and codling moth (CM) larvae are very similar, but OFM has a small hidden four-prong comb on the end of their abdomen.
Adult Oriental fruit moth.
(Photo: Ricardo Bessin, University of Kentucky)
Oriental fruit moth damage.
(Photo: Ricardo Bessin, University of Kentucky)
- Pheromone traps
- Insecticide timing based weather monitoring and degree day models
- Mating disruption